Đặt câu với từ "refuted a testimony|refute a testimony"

1. Developing a Testimony

2. His testimony was a concoction.

3. Corroborating witness is a witness whose testimony supports or confirms testimony that is already given

4. * You possess a testimony; share it.

5. His testimony is a complete fiction.

6. Consider that a preview to my testimony.

7. Packard's Coadjutors' testimony

8. My Intertwined Testimony

9. Another Archaeological Testimony

10. A woman gains a testimony of temple ordinances.

11. There is safety in a strong testimony.

12. The judge heard testimony.

13. What are the steps in obtaining a testimony?

14. Testimony from a disgraced and disgruntled former president.

15. Consider adding your testimony.

16. The testimony of a witness is Corroborated if subsequent evidence, such as a coroner's report or the testimony of other witnesses, substantiates it

17. Temple Mirrors of Eternity: A Testimony of Family

18. A personal testimony also brings responsibility and accountability.

19. Neighbors' testimony tarnished Wilson's image as a loving mother.

20. His testimony was clearly a perversion of the truth.

21. Quotations ▼ His testimony Contradicts hers

22. * Let Your Testimony Burn Bright

23. The testimony of a witness is Corroborated if subsequent evidence, such as a coroner's report or the testimony of other witnesses, substantiates it

24. They still have Alby's testimony.

25. There is a Clamour for evidence, signs, messages, testimony.

26. A transcript of Clay's testimony was released to the press.

27. Accomplice testimony with no corroboration?

28. Names and dates. Eyewitness testimony.

29. The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.

30. Sarah bore her testimony about families.

31. Trauma and testimony among refugee women.

32. Hunter had a sure testimony of Joseph Smith’s prophetic mission.

33. Is gaining a testimony an event or an ongoing process?

34. Do you have a firm testimony of the restored gospel?

35. Packard's Coadjutors' testimony by Packard, E

36. “Inquiry is the birthplace of testimony.

37. Component Number Two: Bearing Testimony Spontaneously

38. His testimony is gonna be amazing.

39. Can I refuse to give testimony?

40. Susan has a renewed testimony of the Book of Mormon.

41. I have gotten some useful testimony.

42. The scriptures bear testimony of this.

43. They provide the pathway to personal testimony.

44. 1 The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.

45. Her testimony works against his chance of success as a politician.

46. He bore his testimony in that letter.

47. While a testimony is simple and clear in this defining declaration, arising from this declaration are several potential questions, such as: Who is entitled to have a testimony?

48. You should know that I have testimony from a reliable witness...

49. 7. (a) What Scriptural testimony obligates us to honor Jesus Christ?

50. Garrett Walker's testimony couldn't be more damning.

51. Your testimony is critical to the case

52. Yesterday's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement.

53. I approached a distinguished-looking man and handed him my testimony card.

54. President Eyring’s testimony was a fitting benediction to those three special days.

55. His testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track.

56. A video archive of testimony should be established to preserve these accounts.

57. Share a brief testimony of the wisdom and mercy of God’s plan.

58. How do you as a human creature offer testimony about God’s accomplishments?

59. A more fitting testimony to your honesty could not have been made.

60. 21 His thick, swollen fingers bore testimony to a lifetime of toil.

61. In agreement; compatible: The testimony was Consistent …

62. investigator receives testimony of Jesus Christ, 113

63. The testimony of witnesses vindicated the defendant.

64. Rebecca’s testimony is moving not just for the power it demonstrates but also because of her unshakable testimony and indomitable will.

65. We prefer to hear her testimony unadulterated.

66. Inconsistencies began to creep into his testimony.

67. 1:23) What a testimony to the power of God’s spirit! —Zech.

68. Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony.

69. In preparation for a testimony meeting, we sang “The Spirit of God.”

70. Thank you, Mrs Careen for sharing your testimony …

71. If you feel that you do not yet have the depth of testimony you would wish, I admonish you to work to achieve such a testimony.

72. His testimony could put Drago away for life.

73. Barker's testimony is crucial to the prosecution's case.

74. The elicitation of his testimony was not easy.

75. 14 Inconsistencies began to creep into his testimony.

76. Your testimony on this matter is hardly unimpeachable.

77. Such a sullen response is testimony, say Europe's cognoscenti , to "enlargement fatigue".

78. Some doubts have been expressed about his testimony.

79. He/His evidence bore witness to my testimony.

80. The facts of the situation belie his testimony.